Issuers information


E.g., 18-02-2025
E.g., 18-02-2025

06/06/2018ATB - Declaration of significant operations at 06/06/2018

Declaration of significant operations realised by SEFINA SICAF

05/06/2018SAH - General Meeting ordinary at 20/06/2018

Mesdames and shareholders of the Company of Hygienic Articles “SAH”, are invited to take part in the Standard general meetings & Extraordinary.

05/06/2018Amen Bank - Declaration of significant operations at 06/06/2018

Declaration of the significant operations carried out by Ennakl Automobiles

04/06/2018SITEX (Hors Cote) - General Meeting ordinary at 27/06/2018

The shareholders of the Industrial society of the Textiles, are convened on Wednesday, June 27, 2018 at 9 a.m. at the Arab Institute of the Heads of Undertakings “IACE”.

04/06/2018SAM - Financial statements annual consolidated at 31/12/2017

The company Workshop Of Furniture Interiors publishes its consolidated financial statements stopped at December 31st, 2017.

01/06/2018SOMOCER - Financial statements annual consolidated at 31/12/2017

Company SOMOCER publishes its consolidated financial statements stopped at December 31st, 2017.

31/05/2018SITEX (Hors Cote) - Press release

The Industrial society of the Textiles, makes available of its shareholders that its Standard general meeting

30/05/2018MONOPRIX - information post OGM at 24/05/2018

Motions after General meeting of the 24/05/2018.

30/05/2018SOTIPAPIER - Declaration of significant operations at 31/05/2018

Declaration of the significant operations carried out by company HAN LUX.

30/05/2018AETECH - Threshold crossing down

Crossing downwards of the threshold of 5%