22/03/2018STAR - Press release
The STAR informs his honourable shareholders, that his Board of directors at his meeting of March 22nd, 2018, reviewed the activity
21/03/2018SPDIT - SICAF - General Meeting ordinary at 04/04/2018
Sirs the shareholders of " Société de Placement et de Développement Industriel et Touristique- SPDIT-SICAF" are convened at the General Meeting...
21/03/2018BEST LEASE - General Meeting ordinary at 28/04/2018
Sirs the shareholders of " Société BEST LEASE" are convened at the General Meeting Ordinary.
19/03/2018ALKIMIA - Press release
The company, "Groupe Chimique Tunisien" having declared the Major force, following the complete stop of its factories of phosphoric acid...
19/03/2018MAGASIN GENERAL - Declaration of significant operations
Declaration of significant operations realised by "MED INVEST COMPANY".
19/03/2018CARTHAGE CEMENT - Press release
List of the candidates having deposited offers of pre-qualification for the acquisition of 50.52% of Carthage Cement….
16/03/2018POULINA GP HOLDING - Declaration of significant operations
Declaration of significant operations realised by company NUTRIMIX.
16/03/2018POULINA GP HOLDING - Declaration of significant operations
Declaration of significant operations realised by company PARTNER INVESTMENT.
16/03/2018EURO-CYCLES - Press release
Company EURO-CYCLES informs its shareholders that its board of directors, joined together on Thursday, March 15, 2018, reviewed the activity
16/03/2018ENNAKL AUTOMOBILES - Press release
Automobile company ENNAKL informs its shareholders that its board of directors, joined together on March 13th, 2018, adopted the annual report.